
Safety increases

Leak detection services prevent potential harm caused by dangerous gases

Upward data arrow

Reliability improves

Regular checks can reveal if pressurized systems are operating beyond acceptable limits


Technology utilization

Ultrasonic leak detection equipment finds issues too high pitched for humans to hear

Without detection, leaks can lead to larger issues

Tiny leaks can mean a drop in pressure that indicates that larger operational issues are lurking on the horizon. Leaking air leads to the loss of equipment efficiency, which can result in the need for emergency repairs and unplanned downtime, costly maintenance and lowered productivity. According to recent research, it is estimated that anywhere between 20-30% of compressed air ends up being wasted due to unidentified leaks.

Our ultrasonic leak detection services offer many benefits. You’ll enjoy lower energy costs, improved safety, more reliable air and gas delivery, more uptime and increased maintenance cost savings. No more manual leak checks, no more documenting leaks and completing maintenance tickets, we help you become more efficient in maintenance prioritization, so you can spend less time on expensive repairs and more time on production. Our ultrasonic leak testing capabilities also help you comply with relevant environmental and safety regulations.


End-to-end IIoT solution

We leverage four decades of maintenance and reliability experience paired with the latest predictive maintenance technologies to prevent unplanned downtime.

  • Consultation & installation
  • 24/7 condition monitoring
  • Predictive maintenance sensors
  • Real-time alerts
  • Prescriptive actions
  • Measurable results
  • Optional maintenance & parts support

Get more time, energy and cost-savings back

Let’s talk

Ultrasonic leak detection resources

Learn more about ultrasonic leak testing and the role of sensor technology in predictive maintenance. Our ultrasonic air leak detectors use advanced sensors to locate leaks.

Compressed air leak detection services for manufacturers

With three decades of experience and highly skilled technicians, ATS is perfectly positioned to provide early leak detection services for a wide range of applications in your air, gas and vacuum lines. Let us help you protect your facility, your personnel and your productivity.

Let’s talk